ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

Évènements le 30 janvier 2018 › Journées et colloques
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9 h 30 min
Geodynamics & Geothermics Workshop
9:30 Laurent JOLIVET – Université P. & M. Curie, Paris. Mantle convection and crustal deformation 10:10 Christian TEYSSIER – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Lithospheric extension, flow of crust, and the geotherm Coffee break 11:00 Inga MOECK – Leipzig Institute of Applied Geophysics, Hannover Permeability structure of geothermal play types 11:40 Chrystel DEZAYES – BRGM, Orléans […]
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