ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

- Cet évènement est passé
Geodynamics & Geothermics Workshop
30 janvier 2018 - 9 h 30 / 16 h 00
Navigation Évènement
9:30 Laurent JOLIVET – Université P. & M. Curie, Paris.
Mantle convection and crustal deformation
10:10 Christian TEYSSIER – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Lithospheric extension, flow of crust, and the geotherm
Coffee break
11:00 Inga MOECK – Leipzig Institute of Applied Geophysics, Hannover
Permeability structure of geothermal play types
11:40 Chrystel DEZAYES – BRGM, Orléans
Toward an exploration method for sedimentary basins and basement
12:30 Lunch
14 :00 Mike RESSEL – University of Nevada, Reno
Contrasting controls on Cenozoic hydrothermal activity in the Great Basin, 40 Ma to present
14:40 Antoine ARMANDINE LES LANDES – BRGM, Orléans
Use of large scale flow model to target hidden thermal anomalies in faulted geological setting
15:20 Laurent GUILLOU-FROTTIER – BRGM, Orléans
From data to numerical simulations and predictions of thermal anomalies