ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France
Egoutier Watershed
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- Egoutier Watershed
The OBSCURE instrumented site, installed on the Egoutier watershed, is one of the 11 observatories co-located by the Service National d’Observation Observil (SNO Observil), a network dedicated to the permanent observation of urban environments, subject to strong anthropic pressure in a context of global change.
Correspondent of the Egoutier site
Lecturer at ISTO
The purpose of the OBSCURE site is to carry out a hydrological and geochemical assessment of the entire Egoutier watershed, in the short and long term (coupling observation and retro-observation over 250 years). Thanks to the funding provided by the Centre-Val de Loire region, the monitoring, initiated by the MOSAIC project, is carried out today within the framework of the TRANSAT project, with the aim of better understanding the modes of transport/transfer of materials in anthropized hydrosystems, known vectors of contaminant transport. To do this, the site is subdivided into 4 instrumented stations and 18 geochemical stations. At the ecosystem scale, dissolved phase and solid load are analyzed in order to draw up an inventory of contaminant transfer; rainfall, water level and turbidity are measured continuously to and the sediments of the Beulie pond are studied in order to reconstitute the past trajectories of the watershed (vegetation dynamics, artificialization, …).
The affiliation to the SNO Observil has another objective, that of federating all these sites around the same database. strengthen the already existing collaboration between the observatories, and on the other hand to generalize and simplify the provision of data.