ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

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Invited Seminar, Hang Deng (LBNL): Geochemical Alteration of Fractures in Heterogeneous Porous Media: A Pore- and Core-Scale Perspective
24 May 2018 - 14 h 00 / 15 h 00
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Geochemical Alteration of Fractures in Heterogeneous Porous Media: A Pore- and Core-Scale Perspective
Hang Deng
Energy Geosciences Division, Earth & Environmental Sciences Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Fractures are the preferential flow pathways in the subsurface environment, and are subject to alteration caused by coupled geochemical-physical processes that are triggered by mineral-fluid interactions. Improved understanding of fracture evolution is critical for the assessment and prediction of the performance of various geological systems that are associated with subsurface energy harness and storage, resources (e.g. groundwater and minerals) recovery, waste disposal and etc.
My research puts an emphasis on the coupled geochemical and hydrological processes that affect fracture evolution in heterogeneous porous media. The objectives of my research are (1) to provide fundamental understanding of mechanisms that control fracture alteration at the pore- and core- scale, and (2) to develop predictive models and constitutive relations for effective integration of fine scale processes and heterogeneity into large scale analysis.
In this talk, I will present core-scale simulation results from a reactive transport model that was developed and validated based on laboratory experiments. The numerical experiments were performed under a range of flow, geometric and mineralogical conditions, and used to develop a multi-reaction Damköhler number for the prediction of fracture evolution in multi-mineral systems. This framework provides important implications for caprock integrity in geologic carbon storage systems. I will also present a pore-scale investigation of the compound effects of surface roughness on reaction rates of a single rough fracture. In addition to providing mechanistic understanding of the interplay between flow, transport and reactions at extremely fine scale, the simulations were used to develop upscaling rules such that pore-scale processes arising from surface roughness can be accounted for in continuum-scale models effectively.