Laura Airaghi

Statut : Permanent, job : Enseignant-chercheur
Building : ISTE, desktop 109
MC Classe normale, Université d'Orléans

Email :
Phone : 02 38 49 46 56

Major Program : Magma & Déformation


I am a metamorphic petrologist working on the relationships between metamorphism, fluid-rock interactions and deformation mechanisms in the upper and middle Earth crust. I am particularly interested in the interplay between shear zone formation, timing of fluid influx and metamorphism in low to medium grade metamorphic terrains as well as in the effect of grain scale chemical processes on rock weakening. I investigate these topics with a particular focus on mineral assemblages and rocks containing hydrated phases (as phyllosilicates and amphiboles) and working at different spatial scales, from the field scale to the nanometer scale.

Current projects:

  • Mechanisms of rock weakening in continental crust: the effects of chemical interactions between phases. ANR-founded project (summary of the project), 2023-2027.

  • Hydration of continental and mafic upper and middle crust during brittle-ductile deformation (central Pyrenees, Hidaka belt, Japan)

  • P-T evolution of syn-kinematic granites during localization of viscous strain (Ikaria, Greece; South Armorican Massif, France).



Airaghi, L.,  Raimbourg, H.,  Toyoshima, T.,  Jolivet, L.,  and  Arbaret, L. (2024).  Hydration of mafic crustal rocks at high temperature during brittle-viscous deformation along a strike-slip plate boundary. Journal of Metamorphic Geology,  42(8),  10351067.      


Ge, C., Leloup, P.H., Zheng, Y., Scaillet, S., Airaghi, L., Duval, F., Zhang, J., Li, H. (2023). Cenozoic kinematics of the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault implies crustal stacking rather than channel flow extrusion at the eastern margin of Tibetan plateau (Longmen Shan). Tectonophysicss, 857, 229816

Alaoui, K., Airaghi, L., Dubacq, B., Rosenberg, C., Bellahsen, N. and Précigout, J. (2023). Role of pre-kinematic fluid-rock interactions on phase mixing, quartz recrystallization and strain localization in low-temperature granitic shear zone. Tectonophysics, 850, 229735


Bertatus, M., Janots, E., Rossi, M., Duhamel-Achin, I., Boiron, M.-C., Airaghi, L., Lanari, P., Lach, P., Peiffert, C. and Magning, V. (2022). A new alpine metallogenic model for the Pb-Ag orogenic deposits of Macôt-la plagne and Peisey-Nancroix (Western Alps, France). Geosciences, 12(9), 331.


Bourdelle, F., Lloret, E., Durand, C. & Airaghi, L. (2021). Evaluation of scanning transmission X-ray microscopy at the Mn L2,3-edges as a potential probe for manganese redox state in natural silicates. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 48:18.


Airaghi, L., Dubacq, B., Verlaguet, A., Bourdelle, F., Bellahsen, N., Gloter, A. (2020b). From static alteration to mylonitisation: a nano- to micrometric study of chloritization in granitoids with implications for equilibrium and percolation lenght scales. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175, 108.

Airaghi, L., Bellahsen, N., Dubacq, B., Chew, D., Rosenberg, C, Janots, E. & Magnin, V. (2020a). Pre-orogenic upper crustal softening by lower greenschist facies metamorphic reactions in granites of the central Pyrenees. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38(2), 183-204.


Airaghi, L., Janots, E., Lanari, P., de Sigoyer, J., Magnin, V. (2019). Allanite petrochronology in fresh and retrogressed garnet-biotite metapelites from the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibet), Journal of Petrology, 60(1), 151-176.

Bellahsen, N., Bayet, L., Denèle, Y. Waldner, M., Airaghi, L., Rosenberg, C., Dubacq, B., Mouthereau, F., Bernet, M., Pik, R. & Vacherat, A. (2019). Shortening of the axial zone, Pyrenees: shortening sequence, upper crustal mylonites and crustal strength. Tectonophysics, 766, 433-452.

Lanari, P., Vho, A., Bovay, T., Airaghi, L., Centrella, S. (2017) Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe microanalyser. In: Ferrero, S., Lanari, P., Goncalves, P., & Grosch, E.G. (eds), Metamorphic Geology: Microscale to Mountain Belts, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 478(1), 39-63.

Guillot, S., Goussin, F., Airaghi, L., Replumaz, A., De Sigoyer, J. & Cordier C. (2019). How and When did the Tibetan Plateu grow ? Russian Geology and Geophysics, 60(9), 957-977.


Airaghi, L. Warren, C.J., de Sigoyer, J., Lanari, P., Magning, V. Influence of dissolution/repricipatation reactions on metamorphic greenschist to amphibolite-facies mica 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibet). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 36(7), 933-958.

Airaghi, L., de Sigoyer, J., Guillot, S., Robert, A. Warren, C., Deldicque, D. (2018). The Mesozoic along-strike tectono-metamorphic segmentation of the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibetan plateau), Tectonics, 37(12), 4655-4678.


Airaghi, L., Lanari, P., de Sigoyer, J., Guillot, S. (2017a) Microstructural vs compositional preservation and pseudomorphic replacement of muscovite in deformed metapelites from the Longmen Shan (Sichuan, China). Lithos, 282-283, 260-280.

Airaghi, L., de Sigoyer, J., Lanari, P., Guillot, S., Vidal, O., Monié, P., Sautter, B., Tan, X. (2017b). Total exhumation across the Beichuan fault in the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibetan plateau, China): constraints from petrology and thermobarometry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 140, 108-121.

 Other publicaitons

de Sigoyer, J., Guillot, S., Airaghi, L. (2017). Formation du plateau du Tibet : rôle de l’épaississement crustal anté-collision Inde-Asie. Géochronique, n. 144

Airaghi, L. (2017). A petro-chronological study of the Longmen Shan thrust belt (eastern Tibet): geological inheritance and implication for the present geodynamics. PhD thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.