Kenneth Koga

Statut : Permanent, job : Enseignant-chercheur
Building : CNRS, desktop ISTO 209
Professeur, Université d'Orléans

Email :
Phone : 0238255095

Platform : Expérimentation
Major Program : Magma & Déformation
I study the behavior of elements (and molecules) that form the gas phase in magmas. These elements are called (magmatic) volatile elements in the geoscience community, and it is one of the great challenges to understand how these elements "behave" (i.e. react, dissolve/exsolve, solidify) inside the Earth. Such research is critical for understanding volcanic eruptions, the mechanism of magma formation, as well as the evolution of the Earth since its formation. I conduct laboratory experiments to determine the chemical principles that control the behavior of the volatile elements, and I study natural samples, rocks, to reconstruct their behavior.

I teach a wide range of earth science topics to undergraduate and graduate students. Currently, I teach mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry at the undergraduate level (with a team of colleagues), and volatile element geochemistry at the graduate level.

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