ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

Estelle Rose-Koga
Statut : Permanent, job : ChercheurFonction : Responsable équipe Magma & Déformation (MADMAX)
Building : CNRS, desktop 213
Directrice de Recherches, CNRS
Email :
Phone : 0238255093
Major Program : Magma & Déformation
I study the cycle of volatile elements in subduction zone settings to try to understand why and how volcanoes erupt the way they do. I use melt inclusions to get to the volatile compositions of the less degassed source of arc magmas, but also of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmas. I am an isotope geochemist by education and use stable isotopes and their fractionation to study magma degassing and magma mixing. I use volatile element diffusion in embayment to calculated magma ascent rates. All of my research themes involve in situ analysis which I perform by using SIMS and nanoSIMS.
Head of the Magma & Geodynamic Team at ISTO, 2023-
Head of the Geochemistry Team at LMV, 2020-2022
Member of the Scientific Committee of Labex CLERVOLC, 2020-2022
Member of the INSU-CNRS Scientific Committee, TelluS-SYSTER, 2018-2021
Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2018-2023
Associate Editor in "Geochemistry" for the journal Frontiers, 2017-2020
. Klaudia Cyrzan 2022- (co-adv. V. Zanon, University of Azores)
. Shashank Prabha Mohan 2021-2024 (co-adv. K. Koga)
. Christy Haruel 2021- (co-adv. P. Bani, E. Médard)
. Guillaume Georgeais 2019-2023 (co-adv. Y. Moussallam, K. Koga, A. Harris)
. Masataka Kawaguchi 2018-2021 (co-adv. K.Koga & A.Yoshiasa, Univ. Kumamoto, JP)
. Diego Narvaez 2018-2021 (co-adv. P. Samaniego & K. Koga)
. Gabrielle Ménard 2010-2014 (co-adv. I. Vlastelic)
. Marion Le Voyer 2006-2009 (co-adv. P. Schiano)
Undergraduates: Manon Pouget 2022 ; Alexis Chapuis 2020-2021 ; Guillaume Georgeais 2018-2019 ; Sarah Lang 2017-2018 ; Antonin Bouillet 2016-2017 ; Diego Narvaez, 2015-2016 ; Ludovic Leduc 2011-2012 ; Marion Le Voyer, 2005-2006 ; Lucie Grousset (ENSG, Nancy), 2012.
2023. Federica Faranda, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Alexane Legeay, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Isabelle Génot, IPG, Paris – Rapporteur
2023. Kristijan Rajic, ISTO, Orléans – President
2022. Shengyu Tian, IPG, Paris – President
2022. Sarah Figowy – Sorbonne Université, Paris, France – Rapporteur
2021. Raimundo Brahm, Massey University, New Zealand – Rapporteur
2017. Mélina Manzini, University of Lausanne, Switzerland – Rapporteur
2016. Géraldine Zdanowicz, IPG Paris, France – Examiner
2012. Livia Colo', University of Florence, Italy – Examiner
2005. Emmanuel Lemarchand, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France – Examiner
2022- present : Directrice de Recherches at CNRS, ISTO, Orléans, France
2014 : 6 months, Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada
2005- 2022 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, LMV Clermont-Ferrand, France
2002-2005 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
2000-2001 : Post-Doctorate at Okayama University at Misasa, Japan
1999-2000 : Post-Doctorate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA, USA
2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR). Univ. B. Pascal. Clermont-Ferrand
1999 : Ph.D. in isotopic geochemistry at CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France
• Barth A., Portnyagin M., Mironov N., Holtz F., Moussallam Y., Rose-Koga E.F., Rasmussen D., Towbin H., Gonnermann H., Mutch E.J.F., Plank T.(2024) Fast, furious, and gassy: Etna’s Explosive Eruption from the Mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 643, 118864.
• Haruel* C., Bani P., Tari D., Nauret F., Rose-Koga E.F., (2024) Coastline pushed offshore and new beaches appear with lahar events on Ambae, Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 8, 73.
• Olivia E. Anderson, Matthew G. Jackson; Ayla S. Pamukçu; Estelle F. Rose-Koga; Veronique Le Roux; Frieder Klein; Kenneth T. Koga; Glenn A. Gaetani; Allison A. Price. (2024) Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry, Chemical Geology, 651,121979.
• Georgeais* G., Harris AJL., Moussallam Y., Koga KT., Rose-Koga EF. (2023) Real-time extraction of mass discharge rate and vent area for Strombolian to Plinian eruptions, Bull. Volc., 86 (3), 1-10.
• F. M. Lo Forte, F. Schiavi, E. F. Rose-Koga, S. G. Rotolo, M. Verdier-Paoletti, A. Aiuppa, V. Zanon (2024) High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 10.1016/j.gca.2024.01.016
I study the cycle of volatile elements in subduction zone settings to try to understand why and how volcanoes erupt the way they do. I use melt inclusions to get to the volatile compositions of the less degassed source of arc magmas, but also of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmas. I am an isotope geochemist by education and use stable isotopes and their fractionation to study magma degassing and magma mixing. I use volatile element diffusion in embayment to calculated magma ascent rates. All of my research themes involve in situ analysis which I perform by using SIMS and nanoSIMS.
Head of the Magma & Geodynamic Team at ISTO, 2023-
Head of the Geochemistry Team at LMV, 2020-2022
Member of the Scientific Committee of Labex CLERVOLC, 2020-2022
Member of the INSU-CNRS Scientific Committee, TelluS-SYSTER, 2018-2021
Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2018-2023
Associate Editor in "Geochemistry" for the journal Frontiers, 2017-2020
. Klaudia Cyrzan 2022- (co-adv. V. Zanon, University of Azores)
. Shashank Prabha Mohan 2021-2024 (co-adv. K. Koga)
. Christy Haruel 2021- (co-adv. P. Bani, E. Médard)
. Guillaume Georgeais 2019-2023 (co-adv. Y. Moussallam, K. Koga, A. Harris)
. Masataka Kawaguchi 2018-2021 (co-adv. K.Koga & A.Yoshiasa, Univ. Kumamoto, JP)
. Diego Narvaez 2018-2021 (co-adv. P. Samaniego & K. Koga)
. Gabrielle Ménard 2010-2014 (co-adv. I. Vlastelic)
. Marion Le Voyer 2006-2009 (co-adv. P. Schiano)
Undergraduates: Manon Pouget 2022 ; Alexis Chapuis 2020-2021 ; Guillaume Georgeais 2018-2019 ; Sarah Lang 2017-2018 ; Antonin Bouillet 2016-2017 ; Diego Narvaez, 2015-2016 ; Ludovic Leduc 2011-2012 ; Marion Le Voyer, 2005-2006 ; Lucie Grousset (ENSG, Nancy), 2012.
2023. Federica Faranda, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Alexane Legeay, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Isabelle Génot, IPG, Paris – Rapporteur
2023. Kristijan Rajic, ISTO, Orléans – President
2022. Shengyu Tian, IPG, Paris – President
2022. Sarah Figowy – Sorbonne Université, Paris, France – Rapporteur
2021. Raimundo Brahm, Massey University, New Zealand – Rapporteur
2017. Mélina Manzini, University of Lausanne, Switzerland – Rapporteur
2016. Géraldine Zdanowicz, IPG Paris, France – Examiner
2012. Livia Colo', University of Florence, Italy – Examiner
2005. Emmanuel Lemarchand, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France – Examiner
2022- present : Directrice de Recherches at CNRS, ISTO, Orléans, France
2014 : 6 months, Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada
2005- 2022 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, LMV Clermont-Ferrand, France
2002-2005 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
2000-2001 : Post-Doctorate at Okayama University at Misasa, Japan
1999-2000 : Post-Doctorate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA, USA
2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR). Univ. B. Pascal. Clermont-Ferrand
1999 : Ph.D. in isotopic geochemistry at CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France
• Barth A., Portnyagin M., Mironov N., Holtz F., Moussallam Y., Rose-Koga E.F., Rasmussen D., Towbin H., Gonnermann H., Mutch E.J.F., Plank T.(2024) Fast, furious, and gassy: Etna’s Explosive Eruption from the Mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 643, 118864.
• Haruel* C., Bani P., Tari D., Nauret F., Rose-Koga E.F., (2024) Coastline pushed offshore and new beaches appear with lahar events on Ambae, Bulletin of Volcanology, 86, 8, 73.
• Olivia E. Anderson, Matthew G. Jackson; Ayla S. Pamukçu; Estelle F. Rose-Koga; Veronique Le Roux; Frieder Klein; Kenneth T. Koga; Glenn A. Gaetani; Allison A. Price. (2024) Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry, Chemical Geology, 651,121979.
• Georgeais* G., Harris AJL., Moussallam Y., Koga KT., Rose-Koga EF. (2023) Real-time extraction of mass discharge rate and vent area for Strombolian to Plinian eruptions, Bull. Volc., 86 (3), 1-10.
• F. M. Lo Forte, F. Schiavi, E. F. Rose-Koga, S. G. Rotolo, M. Verdier-Paoletti, A. Aiuppa, V. Zanon (2024) High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 10.1016/j.gca.2024.01.016