ISTOPore Seminar by Cordouan Technologies

David Jacob Cordouan Technologies

Recent Advances and Practical Applications of In situ time-resolved Dynamic light scattering (DLS) for nano particle characterization


Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) has been a pivotal technique since the 1960s for measuring the size distribution of nano particles in suspension. Today, DLS remains a gold standard for nanoparticle characterization due to its precision, non-invasiveness, and ability to analyze particles down to the sub-nanometer range, making it indispensable across various scientific and industrial applications. In this workshop we explore some recent advancements achieved in Cordouan technologies in nanoparticle characterization using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) technology. We’ll begin with a brief overview of our company, highlighting our expertise in innovative DLS solutions. Then, we’ll revisit the fundamentals of DLS, the cornerstone technique for accurate particle size measurement. Next, we’ll introduce our cutting-edge solutions for nanoparticle size characterization, focusing on the breakthrough of in situ, contactless DLS measurements — a true paradigm shift in the industry. You’ll also see real-world examples of applications and learn about our unique in-line measurement approach, featuring the milli-fluidic head concept.

About David

David Jacob, 58, is the General Manager, Technical Director and cofounder of Cordouan Technologies. He holds a Ph.D. in Laser Physics (1995) and an Engineering Diploma in Aeronautics (1991); David  cumulate over 30 years of experience in the design and industrialization of optoelectronic systems. Since 2007, he has led collaborative R&D projects and the development of instruments for the physico-chemical characterization of nanoparticles at Cordouan. He is active in national and international standardization committees and gives lectures  at the Universities of Nantes and Bordeaux. He holds 9 international patents in optical amplifiers and measurement systems. He has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed papers and contributed dozens of presentations and posters in international conferences.