ZEISS Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG)

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Responsable : Ida Di-Carlo

ZEISS Merlin Compact microscope equipped with a GEMINI I column, ZEISS patent,

Resolution: 0.8 nm @ 15 kV; 1.6 nm @ 1 kV

Voltage: 20V – 30 kV.

Current: 12pA-100 nA

SE detector, SE detector for high resolution (In-lens on axis, integrated in the column) and a BSD detector (5 quadrants).

SMART SEM acquisition software.

SMART STICH software for image panoramas


EDS/XRF microanalysis system

  • Bruker EDS detector (without N2) (QUANTAX – XFlash6 – 30mm2 – resolution 129 eV) for point microanalysis of major elements.
  • Bruker Micro XRF detector (XTRACE – Rh tube – Al, Ti, Ni filters) for the analysis of elements from Na.


ESPRIT software for integrated EDS and XRF analysis

Qualitative, quantitative analysis;

Elemental and phase mapping

It is part of PLANEX Equipment.