Rare gas extraction and purification lines

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Each of our four spectrometers is outfitted to a dedicated extraction and purification system featuring ultra-low blanks permitting high-sensitivity and high-resolution analysis at the single grain level, as well as for meeting the technical requirements for measuring ultra-low signals extracted from highly-resolved UV-213 ablation pits (down to 35 µm diameter). The preparation lines are operated using pneumatically actuated all-metal valves under fully automated computer control. Each line features a dual sample introduction port consisting of a UHV sample chamber housing sealed with an interchangeable viewport adapted to the laser wavelength (either a UV-213 AR treated quartz window for laser ablation or a differentially pumped ZnS-Cleartran viewport for step-heating experiments). Each system features standard gas purification traps including -two air-cooled GP50 SAES getters operated at 250 °C and equipped with two Ta-filaments held at 1500 °C, in addition to two LN thermoregulated cold traps programmable anywhere between -50 °C and – 196 °C.