Thermo Scientific Trace GC Ultra (GC) coupled to a Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum XLS mass spectrometer (MS) with AS3000 autosampler (Thermo)
Principle :
Separation of organic molecules by gas chromatography and identification and quantification by mass spectrometry
Objectives :
Identification and quantification of molecular biomarkers.
Samples treated :
Soils, sediments, rocks, plants.
Pre-treatments :
Lipid extraction by ASE200, separation of total lipid extracts into chemical fractions by Aspec GX271.
Results obtained :
Chromatograms, mass spectra, concentration and diversity of molecular biomarkers in the samples.
With Direct Insertion Probe (DIP) and Direct Exposure Probe (DEP): Mass spectra of total lipid extracts, mass spectra of pure polar and macromolecular compounds.
NIST 98 mass spectra database and OSUC database. Numerous standards (methyl ethers of pentacyclic triterpenes, methoxyserratenes, triterpenyl acetates, various pentacyclic triterpenes, alkanes, alcohols, sterols, bile acids, PAH)