Date de début : 07/03/2020
Date de fin : 08/03/2024

Numéro de contrat


Durée de projet

49 months


Centre-Val de Loire Region


208 k€

Coordinateur : Anaëlle Simonneau (ISTO)
Partenaires : BRGM, Centre Sciences, Modelage Centre


Water erosion is considered as the main threat to soils, yet maintaining and restoring the good ecological status of water bodies, as defined by the WFD of 23/10/2000, the Micropollutant plans (2016-2021) and Ecophyto 2025, requires a reduction in the quantities of eroded soils, sediments transported by waterways and associated contaminant flows. Flows related to industrial and urban discharges have been monitored since the 1970s and 80s, but no text regulates their concentrations in water from storm runoff. In 2016, the CVL region’s PNSE3 highlighted that the Orleans area had one of the worst scores in terms of soil and water quality. Involving 3 research institutes and a regional private company, the TRANSAT project aims to develop innovative tools to perform mass balances of organic contaminants (drugs, pollutants) circulating in watersheds. Its objectives are to study the transfer of materials in anthropized hydrosystems, which are vectors of contaminant transport and sensitive to changes in land use, development, and changes in the occurrence and severity of precipitation. Ultimately, it will provide local managers with sampling and analysis keys to anticipate the management of emerging pollutants.