Date de début : 01/01/2020
Date de fin : 12/31/2022
Numéro de contrat
Durée de projet
3 years
Centre-Val de Loire Region
206 k€
Coordinateur : ISTO
Partenaires : CITERES, INSA Centre Val de Loire, BRGM, Neodyme, Centre Sciences
The progressive implementation since 2006 in the Centre-Val de Loire Region of the Ecophyto plan (“Objective Zero Pesticide”) shows a strong will to take up a major environmental challenge faced by urban areas. This action has among other objectives to reduce runoff water pollution and reduce the exposure of the population to toxic products. The ecosystem services useful to plant development that result from these actions have, however, been little evaluated. In particular, the impact on plant diversity and on the microbial functioning of soils, even though these constitute one of the most complex ecosystems, containing an unsuspected biodiversity. The main objective of the BIENSUR project is to evaluate the effects of stopping the use of phytosanitary products and of alternative techniques to these products on the floristic and microbial diversity of urban soils as well as on the population (citizens, gardeners, green space agents). This multidisciplinary project concerns the entire population of our region and its results, made available to citizens and managers of nature in the city, may help encourage the multiplication of “Zero Pesticides” actions.