ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

Estelle Rose-Koga
Statut : Permanent, emploi : ChercheurFonction : Responsable équipe Magma & Déformation (MADMAX)
Bâtiment : CNRS, bureau 213
Directrice de Recherches, CNRS
Email :
Téléphone : 0238255093
Grand progamme : Magma & Déformation
I study the cycle of volatile elements in subduction zone settings to try to understand why and how volcanoes erupt the way they do. I use melt inclusions to get to the volatile compositions of the less degassed source of arc magmas, but also of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmas. I am an isotope geochemist by education and use stable isotopes and their fractionation to study magma degassing and magma mixing. I use volatile element diffusion in embayment to calculated magma ascent rates. All of my research themes involve in situ analysis which I perform by using SIMS, nanoSIMS, LA-ICPMS, and EMP.
Head of the Magma & Geodynamic Team at ISTO, 2023-
Member of the Interdisciplinary Expert Committee – College A 35-36 2023-
Head of the Geochemistry Team at LMV, 2020-2022
Member of the Scientific Committee of Labex CLERVOLC, 2020-2022
Member of the INSU-CNRS Scientific Committee, TelluS-SYSTER, 2018-2021
Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2018-2023
Associate Editor in "Geochemistry" for the journal Frontiers, 2017-2020
. Klaudia Cyrzan 2022- (co-adv. V. Zanon, University of Azores)
. Shashank Prabha Mohan 2021- (co-adv. K. Koga)
. Christy Haruel 2021- (co-adv. P. Bani, E. Médard)
. Guillaume Georgeais 2019-2023 (co-adv. Y. Moussallam, K. Koga, A. Harris)
. Masataka Kawaguchi 2018-2021 (co-adv. K.Koga & A.Yoshiasa, Univ. Kumamoto, JP)
. Diego Narvaez 2018-2021 (co-adv. P. Samaniego & K. Koga)
. Gabrielle Ménard 2010-2014 (co-adv. I. Vlastelic)
. Marion Le Voyer 2006-2009 (co-adv. P. Schiano)
Undergraduates: Manon Pouget 2022 ; Alexis Chapuis 2020-2021 ; Guillaume Georgeais 2018-2019 ; Sarah Lang 2017-2018 ; Antonin Bouillet 2016-2017 ; Diego Narvaez, 2015-2016 ; Ludovic Leduc 2011-2012 ; Marion Le Voyer, 2005-2006 ; Lucie Grousset (ENSG, Nancy), 2012.
2023. Federica Faranda, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Alexane Legeay, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Isabelle Génot, IPG, Paris – Rapporteur
2023. Kristijan Rajic, ISTO, Orléans – President
2022. Shengyu Tian, IPG, Paris – President
2022. Sarah Figowy – Sorbonne Université, Paris, France – Rapporteur
2021. Raimundo Brahm, Massey University, New Zealand – Rapporteur
2017. Mélina Manzini, University of Lausanne, Switzerland – Rapporteur
2016. Géraldine Zdanowicz, IPG Paris, France – Examiner
2012. Livia Colo', University of Florence, Italy – Examiner
2005. Emmanuel Lemarchand, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France – Examiner
2022- present : Directrice de Recherches at CNRS, ISTO, Orléans, France
2014 : 6 months, Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada
2005- 2022 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, LMV Clermont-Ferrand, France
2002-2005 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
2000-2001 : Post-Doctorate at Okayama University at Misasa, Japan
1999-2000 : Post-Doctorate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA, USA
2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR). Univ. B. Pascal. Clermont-Ferrand
1999 : Ph.D. in isotopic geochemistry at CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France
• O. E. Anderson, Matthew G. Jackson; Ayla S. Pamukçu; Estelle F. Rose-Koga; Veronique Le Roux; Frieder Klein; Kenneth T. Koga; Glenn A. Gaetani; Allison A. Price. Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry, Chemical Geology, 651,121979.
• Georgeais* G., Harris AJL., Moussallam Y., Koga KT., Rose-Koga EF. (2023) Real-time extraction of mass discharge rate and vent area for Strombolian to Plinian eruptions, Bull. Volc., 86 (3), 1-10.
• F. M. Lo Forte, F. Schiavi, E. F. Rose-Koga, S. G. Rotolo, M. Verdier-Paoletti, A. Aiuppa, V. Zanon (2024) High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 10.1016/j.gca.2024.01.016
• M. Burton, A. Aiuppa, P. Allard, M. Asensio-Ramos, A. Pardo Cofrades, A. La Spina, E. J. Nicholson, V. Zanon, J. Barrancos, M. Bitetto, M. Hartley, J. Romero Moyano, E. Waters, A. Stewart, P. Hernández, J. Pedro Lages, E. Padrón, K. Wood, B. Esse, C. Hayer, K. Cyrzan, E.F. Rose-Koga, F. Schiavi, L. D'Auria, and N. Pérez (2023) Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago, Communications Earth & Environment, 4:467, 10.1038/s43247-023-01103-x
• Moussallam Y., Georgeais* G., Rose-Koga E.F., Koga K.T., Hartley M. E., Scaillet B., Oppenheimer C., Peters N., (2023) Mantle to surface ascent of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts under redox buffered conditions, G-cubed,
I study the cycle of volatile elements in subduction zone settings to try to understand why and how volcanoes erupt the way they do. I use melt inclusions to get to the volatile compositions of the less degassed source of arc magmas, but also of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmas. I am an isotope geochemist by education and use stable isotopes and their fractionation to study magma degassing and magma mixing. I use volatile element diffusion in embayment to calculated magma ascent rates. All of my research themes involve in situ analysis which I perform by using SIMS, nanoSIMS, LA-ICPMS, and EMP.
Head of the Magma & Geodynamic Team at ISTO, 2023-
Member of the Interdisciplinary Expert Committee – College A 35-36 2023-
Head of the Geochemistry Team at LMV, 2020-2022
Member of the Scientific Committee of Labex CLERVOLC, 2020-2022
Member of the INSU-CNRS Scientific Committee, TelluS-SYSTER, 2018-2021
Treasurer of the European Association of Geochemistry, 2018-2023
Associate Editor in "Geochemistry" for the journal Frontiers, 2017-2020
. Klaudia Cyrzan 2022- (co-adv. V. Zanon, University of Azores)
. Shashank Prabha Mohan 2021- (co-adv. K. Koga)
. Christy Haruel 2021- (co-adv. P. Bani, E. Médard)
. Guillaume Georgeais 2019-2023 (co-adv. Y. Moussallam, K. Koga, A. Harris)
. Masataka Kawaguchi 2018-2021 (co-adv. K.Koga & A.Yoshiasa, Univ. Kumamoto, JP)
. Diego Narvaez 2018-2021 (co-adv. P. Samaniego & K. Koga)
. Gabrielle Ménard 2010-2014 (co-adv. I. Vlastelic)
. Marion Le Voyer 2006-2009 (co-adv. P. Schiano)
Undergraduates: Manon Pouget 2022 ; Alexis Chapuis 2020-2021 ; Guillaume Georgeais 2018-2019 ; Sarah Lang 2017-2018 ; Antonin Bouillet 2016-2017 ; Diego Narvaez, 2015-2016 ; Ludovic Leduc 2011-2012 ; Marion Le Voyer, 2005-2006 ; Lucie Grousset (ENSG, Nancy), 2012.
2023. Federica Faranda, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Alexane Legeay, ISTO, Orléans – President
2023. Isabelle Génot, IPG, Paris – Rapporteur
2023. Kristijan Rajic, ISTO, Orléans – President
2022. Shengyu Tian, IPG, Paris – President
2022. Sarah Figowy – Sorbonne Université, Paris, France – Rapporteur
2021. Raimundo Brahm, Massey University, New Zealand – Rapporteur
2017. Mélina Manzini, University of Lausanne, Switzerland – Rapporteur
2016. Géraldine Zdanowicz, IPG Paris, France – Examiner
2012. Livia Colo', University of Florence, Italy – Examiner
2005. Emmanuel Lemarchand, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France – Examiner
2022- present : Directrice de Recherches at CNRS, ISTO, Orléans, France
2014 : 6 months, Visiting Scholar, University of Toronto, Canada
2005- 2022 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, LMV Clermont-Ferrand, France
2002-2005 : Chargée de Recherches at CNRS, ENS Lyon, France
2000-2001 : Post-Doctorate at Okayama University at Misasa, Japan
1999-2000 : Post-Doctorate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution MA, USA
2012 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR). Univ. B. Pascal. Clermont-Ferrand
1999 : Ph.D. in isotopic geochemistry at CRPG-CNRS, Nancy, France
• O. E. Anderson, Matthew G. Jackson; Ayla S. Pamukçu; Estelle F. Rose-Koga; Veronique Le Roux; Frieder Klein; Kenneth T. Koga; Glenn A. Gaetani; Allison A. Price. Extensive H2O degassing in deeply erupted submarine glasses inferred from Samoan melt inclusions: The EM2 mantle source is damp, not dry, Chemical Geology, 651,121979.
• Georgeais* G., Harris AJL., Moussallam Y., Koga KT., Rose-Koga EF. (2023) Real-time extraction of mass discharge rate and vent area for Strombolian to Plinian eruptions, Bull. Volc., 86 (3), 1-10.
• F. M. Lo Forte, F. Schiavi, E. F. Rose-Koga, S. G. Rotolo, M. Verdier-Paoletti, A. Aiuppa, V. Zanon (2024) High CO2 in the mantle source of ocean island basanites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 10.1016/j.gca.2024.01.016
• M. Burton, A. Aiuppa, P. Allard, M. Asensio-Ramos, A. Pardo Cofrades, A. La Spina, E. J. Nicholson, V. Zanon, J. Barrancos, M. Bitetto, M. Hartley, J. Romero Moyano, E. Waters, A. Stewart, P. Hernández, J. Pedro Lages, E. Padrón, K. Wood, B. Esse, C. Hayer, K. Cyrzan, E.F. Rose-Koga, F. Schiavi, L. D'Auria, and N. Pérez (2023) Exceptional eruptive CO2 emissions from intra-plate alkaline magmatism in the Canary volcanic archipelago, Communications Earth & Environment, 4:467, 10.1038/s43247-023-01103-x
• Moussallam Y., Georgeais* G., Rose-Koga E.F., Koga K.T., Hartley M. E., Scaillet B., Oppenheimer C., Peters N., (2023) Mantle to surface ascent of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts under redox buffered conditions, G-cubed,