ISTO, UMR 7327,
Univ Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, OSUC, F-45071 Orléans, France

Caroline Martel
Statut : Permanent, emploi : ChercheurFonction : Directrice de l'ISTO
Bâtiment : ISTE, bureau R 001
Email :
Téléphone : 02 38 25 52 52
Grand progamme : Magma & Déformation
Service : Direction
Research field
My research aims at understanding the controlling factors of the dynamics of volcanic eruptions of silica-rich magmas that commonly switch from very explosive Plinian eruptions to dome-forming eruptions (and related destabilizations into more or less violent pyroclastic flows and surges). The objective is clearly a better assessment of volcanic hazard. For a given volcanic system, it requires a combined study of magma degassing and crystallization from reservoir (pre-eruptive conditions) to surface emplacement (syn-eruptive conditions). The approach consists of experimental simulations of magma ascent at pressure and temperature, and under dynamic conditions (decompression or deformation).
Main topics
1) Magma storage conditions (Montagne Pelée_Martinique, Martel et al., 1998, 1999; Dominica, Solaro et al., 2019; Merapi_Indonesia, Erdmann et al., 2016; Widiyantoro et al., 2018; Cotopaxi_Ecuador, Martel et al., 2018; Tungurahua_Ecuador, Andujar et al., 2017; Chaîne des Puys_Massif Central, Martel et al., 2013; Rondet et al., 2019; Bezymianny_Kamchatka; Martel et al., in press)
2) Magma degassing and crystallization during ascent/decompression using natural samples (Montagne Pelée, Martel, 2012; Soufrière_Guadeloupe, Martel et al. 2021; Soufriere Hills_Montserrat, Martel and Schmidt, 2003) or analogue compositions (Martel and Bureau, 2001; Gondé et al., 2011 ; Mollard et al., 2012 ; Martel and Iacono-Marziano, 2015; Rusiecka & Martel, 2022)
3) Permeability development in deforming magmas (Kushnir et al., 2017; Daffos et al., 2024; Theurel et al., 2024)
4) Hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks (F. Décossin - PhD 2022-2025)
5) Lithium behaviour in felsic melts (Dupont de Dinechin et al., 2023)
Main responsabilities in Research management
2023-present : Director of ISTO
2020-2024 : Head of the CSS1 commission of IRD
2017-2023 : Deputy Director of ISTO
2016-2020 : Member of the CNRS National committee, section 18
2014-présent : Member of the INSU_Service National d’Observation Volcanologique (SNOV)
2014-présent: Member of the Scientific committee of Vulcania, Auvergne
2017-2019 : Member of the IPGP scientific committee (for ‘Natural Hazards’)
2012-2016 : Head of the INSU Thematic committee_ALEA ‘Hazard, risk, and natural disasters’
2009-2017 : Head of ISTO scientific team ‘MAGMA – Physico-chemical properties and Dynamics of magmas’
Main fundings
2025-2028 : Part of the ANR_MAGBRINES - Understanding the magmatic brines at the Lesser Antilles
2023-2025 : PI of EXTERRA Orléans Métropole – Acquisition of reactive flow-through autoclaves
2022-2025 : Part of the ANR_MYGALE – Hydrothermal alteration and flank collapse at explosive volcanoes
2020-2024 : Part of the ANR_MECAMUSH – Mush kinematics and dynamics
2019-2023 : Part of the ANR_V-CARE – Development of new indicators for anticipating the onset of volcanic eruptions
2013-2017 : Part of the ANR_DOMERAPI – Intrusive and extrusive magmatic processes at Merapi
2012-2020: Part of the EQUIPEX_PLANEX – Simulation and in-situ analyses in extreme conditions
2011-2015: Part of the European project FP7_VUELCO – Volcanic Unrest in Europe and Latin America.
2006-2009 : PI of ANR_EXPLANT – Lava dome explosivity’
2004-2007 : co-PI of ACI_Jeune Chercheur ‘Rheological properties of andesitic domes’
2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2023 : PI or participant of INSU_Actions incitatives