Lionel Mercury

Statut : Permanent, emploi : Enseignant-chercheur
Bâtiment : CNRS
PU 1, Université d'Orléans

Email :
Téléphone : 02 38 25 53 46

Grand progamme : Géosciences pour l'énergie et l'environnement

Topics: Fluid-rocks interactions at the pore scale, interfacial processes, porosity-permeability-reactivity loop

Targets: aquifers, caprocks and natural/anthropized unsaturated media

Tools: thermodynamics, vibrational spectroscopy, micro/nano-fluidic experiments


2011-present: member of the steering committee of the doctoral school (ED) 552 Energy, Materials, Earth and Universe Sciences (EMSTU), joint structure of the Universities of Orléans and Tours.

2015-present : elected member, Conseil National des Universités, section 35 (‘Structure and evolution of Earth and other planets’).

01/08/2017-present : Director of ISTO.

Teaching: Thermodynamics of natural systems, thermochemistry, environmental geochemistry, hydrogeology


Hulin C., Mercury L. Simon P., Shmulovich K.I. (2017) Mechanical weakening of massive quartz due to in-pore water tension. 6th Biot conference. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and IFSTTAR, Champs-sur-Marne, France. 9-13 July 2017. Art. 4 pages.

Baum F., Rébiscoul D., Tardif S., Tas N., Mercury L., Rieutord F. (2016) X-Ray Reflectivity Analysis of SiO2 Nanochannels Filled with Water and Ions: A New Method for the Determination of the Spatial Distribution of Ions Inside Confined Media. “15th int. symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, 16-21 Octobre 2016, Evora (Portugal). Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 682 – 685.

Mercury L, Shmulovich K.I., Bergonzi I., Canizares A., Simon P. (2016) Growing negative pressure in fluid inclusions: Raman monitoring of solvent-pulling effect. J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (14), 7697–7704.

Bergonzi I., Mercury L, Simon P., Jamme F., Shmulovich K.I. (2016) Oversolubility within the microvicinity of solid-solution interfaces. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 14874-14885.

Bergonzi I., Mercury L, Brubach J.-B., Roy P. (2014) Gibbs free energy of liquid water derived from infrared measurements. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 24830-24840.

Shmulovich K.I., Mercury L. (2014) Size effect in metastable water. Petrology, 22 (4), 418-428. Jamme F., Lagarde B, Giuliani A., Garcia G., Mercury L. (2013) Synchrotron infrared confocal microscope: Application to infrared 3D spectral imaging. J. Physique: Conf. Series 425, 142002.

Sameut-Bouhaik I., Leroy P., Ollivier P., Azaroual M., Mercury L. (2013) Influence of surface conductivity on the apparent zeta potential of TiO2 nanoparticles: application to the modeling of their aggregation kinetics. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 406, 75-85.


Mercury L., Tas N., and Zilberbrand M. (Eds) (2014) Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C, Environmental security. Springer Science + Business Media BV, Dordrecht. Dead Sea, Israel, May 7 – 11, 2012, 268 p.

Invited conferences:

Mercury L. (2016) Energie de point zéro de l'eau liquide, du manteau terrestre au sol martien. Mini-colloque "Effets quantiques dus aux noyaux : structure et dynamique". 15èmes journées de la matière condensée, Société Française de Physique, 22-26 Août 2016, Bordeaux, France.

Mercury L. (2015) Poromechanics under capillary tension. Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, 12 March 2015.

Mercury L. (2014) (Meta)Stability of water in micrometric and nanometric geometries: is there a size effect ? Workshop "Nanothermodynamics: For Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium", December 1-5 2014, Leiden (The Netherlands).

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