Date de début : Octobre 2021
Date de fin : Septembre 2029
Numéro de contrat
Durée de projet
8 ans
PIA 3 Equipex+
7 M€
Coordinateur : Jérôme Rose (CEREGE)
Partenaires : Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, Université de Lorraine, Université de Strasbourg, Université d’Orléans, Université Pau Pays Adour, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
The objective of IMAGINE2 is to create an open technological platform spread across the French territory, to characterise a wide range of complex, heterogeneous, usually fragile materials and samples, related to the two pillars of the environmental and energy transition. The platform aims to enhance our national capabilities and international competitiveness, while optimizing the investment and operating costs. The strength of this national platform will be to perform multiscale analysis in static and dynamic conditions (4D) under chemical, physical, biological, and mechanical loads. By developing Correlative imaging and Multi-modal analysis, IMAGINE2 will bring together X-ray, electronic and 2D-3D spectroscopic imaging equipment to decipher the relationships between the textural, structural and chemical properties of materials and their functions, effects or performances. The spatial resolution and scale correlation will be in line with those at which the thermo-hydro-bio-chemical-mechanical processes occurred.
The data gathered by IMAGINE2 will allow the development of numerical tools (like digital rock physics, pore network or reactive transport modelling) using upscaling approaches. These tools will build bridges between our current knowledge of processes and predictive assessment, at large time and space scales that are impossible to reach experimentally. This will be one of the main objectives of the optimisation of the technological solutions to the energy and environmental transition.