2 - 4 October 2017 Château Clos de Lucé, Amboise, France
A diverse audience across the Earth and environmental sciences, including professionals, post-doctoral associates and graduate students in the fields of geochemistry, environmental science, hydrology, and engineering, hydrology, and soil science.
The first in a series of biennial international Reactive Transport workshops that will review the state-of-the-art and future directions in the field. Main themes:
• High resolution RT applications
• Diversity of porous media and physical evolution
• (Bio)geochemical reaction networks
• Large scale / long duration applications
• Multiscale and multiphase systems
Organization: Christophe Tournassat (BRGM & ISTO), Carl Steefel (Berkeley Lab), Jennifer Druhan (U. Illinois, Champaign), Valérie Deplanque (BRGM)